Saturday, September 4, 2010

5th Day

Grabbed some great time with some students over coffee. It has been so encouraging to hear their stories and to hear what God is doing in their lives. Was able to read the Bible with a student and showed her how to do a quite time. Another encouraging moment when was Gabe and I both ended up at the same lunch spot with different student without knowing beforehand. It's really comforting to be reminded that I'm not the only one doing this. So, even though we ate lunch separately, it was really encouraging to see one of my best friends over at the next table engaging with a student for God's glory.

Later that night we had a bonfire over at Fiesta Island and a handful of students came that probably have never opened their Bible up ever. It was so cool to see our students conversing with them and showing the love of Jesus to these new people. Also, just the fact that these new students felt comfortable enough to even show up was awesome! I'm so proud of how all the returning students have been really engaging these new students.

Today we will be doing more tabling at the the tailgating for our 1st football game. Most of us are feeling pretty tired, so please pray that this last activity of the 1st week will really be worth the time and effort. Even if God brought just 1 hungry student to our table today, I would say that it will be worth it.

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