Thursday, January 26, 2012



This is why I do what I do.

This is why I roll over to answer phone calls and texts at midnight. Why I eat sodium enriched Panda (which I'll later regret) while scorching in the heat under at patio someone forgot to put a roof on. Why I show up to a Bible study where everyone forgot to text me that they can't come. Why I invite students to talk about important subjects that make them feel uncomfortable when they'd rather be on facebook. Why I toss and turn at night over poor decisions my student friends make. This is why I gave up teaching music for a time and let God move us to SDSU. Because these flowers remind me SO much of the women God allows me to minister to. When I meet them, I only see a glimpse, a bud of who God created them to be. But as He allows me to see deeper into their lives, as He allows His gospel to penetrate their souls, as he tills and harvests character into their stories, these buds blossom and flourish in ways I could never have imagined. Each one unique. Each one blossoming in it's one time. I see these flowers, in their beauty and they remind me of His women at SDSU. The beauty he has created them into, and the power of His Gospel as it transforms them. I pray I never forget the beauty of every flower bud as I wait for God to begin to open its bloom.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Soul Thirst

Psalm 63:1 "O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. "
This verse is my prayer for the men and woman at San Diego State University. The world dries our souls out, yet we look for refreshment and nourishment in temporary fixes. We are dehydrated children satisfying ourselves on the frivolous comforts of soda and coffee rather then the life giving water we actually crave. Whether these students are starting their journey with God, beginning to get curious about Him, or have been walking with him for years, my prayer is that they would find their true satisfaction in Him and Him only. I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead them to Himself on a daily basis to read, mediate and apply his Word to their lives. That they would openly and earnestly talk to Him in prayer. I know of no other comfort as life giving as my daily time communicating with God, my Husband and lover of my soul. The world will always strive to wear us down but I pray for these students that in the end they will be able to whole heatedly agree with the Psalmist "If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction" I pray these students will delight in God's law, His Words. Will you join me in this prayer?